Supernatural Season 2 Episode 7 The Usual Suspects
Air-Date: Nov 9, 2006
Supernatural Description:
Sam and Dean travel to the scene of the murder of a lawyer and his wife who claimed to had seen a ghost prior to their deaths. But Sam and Dean don't get far when local authorities come across the brothers' record and arrest them for a double homicide. However, when the ghost begins to visit detective Ballard, the woman that arrested the brothers, she begins to thin ... Read More
Sam and Dean travel to the scene of the murder of a lawyer and his wife who claimed to had seen a ghost prior to their deaths. But Sam and Dean don't get far when local authorities come across the brothers' record and arrest them for a double homicide. However, when the ghost begins to visit detective Ballard, the woman that arrested the brothers, she begins to think that Sam and Dean's story might just be true and she might be next.
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