Supernatural Season 3 Episode 4 Sin City
Air-Date: Oct 25, 2007
Supernatural Description:
Sam and Dean investigate a group of violent deaths in Elizabethville, Ohio, a town that has quickly become home to many gamblers and drinkers. The execution of each death seems to follow a particular pattern of steps. Dean finds that demons have infiltrated the town and are using persuasive powers to help the townspeople succumb to basic human instinct. Ruby and Bobby ... Read More
Sam and Dean investigate a group of violent deaths in Elizabethville, Ohio, a town that has quickly become home to many gamblers and drinkers. The execution of each death seems to follow a particular pattern of steps. Dean finds that demons have infiltrated the town and are using persuasive powers to help the townspeople succumb to basic human instinct. Ruby and Bobby rebuild the Colt, and Ruby delivers shocking news.
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